Personal Development

Our School Vision and Values provide a strong structure for our personal development work. Inspire – Grow – Achieve permeates all our work. Relationships between staff and pupils are excellent and supportive, giving pupils safe opportunities to try and fail, then try again. Staff know the needs of every pupil very well. They demonstrate great care for all the pupils and are quick to intervene if any pupils need personal care or emotional support.

How this is built into our Curriculum

All Lancasterian curriculums include aspects of developing each and every person; from the Pre-Formal, to the Semi-Formal and onto our Formal curriculum.

In the Pre-Formal curriculum we encourage our pupils to become active learners in all aspects of the school day. For example in the pre formal ‘My communication’ strand pupils are given planned opportunities to develop their interaction skills and the ‘My care and Independence’ strand, provides planned opportunities to develop independence and taking ownership and the lead on their own wellbeing e.g. communicating their own needs, directing their own personal care.  

curriculum documents.pngIn our Semi-Formal curriculum are a number of strands that focus specifically on this area. For example ‘Understanding Me and My relationships’,  ‘My Communication’ and ‘My physical Development and Care’. These provide a framework for systematically developing skills, through structured activities, to further develop pupil’s independence and resilience.  The Semi-Formal curriculum also provides real life experiences within school and the local community in which to learn and develop. For example, weekly visits to the park, to the local café, shops, the school office and using a telephone. 

In the Formal Curriculum, the lessons have planned opportunities for pupils to develop their collaborative learning skills in all areas of the curriculum. This targets their motivations to learn, team working skills, positive communication, independent learning skills within the context of each subject.

Each curriculum encourages puils, where possible to evaluate their own learning within each lesson (for more information, please see our 'Curriculum' pages).

Our enrichment curriculum gives pupils extra opportunities to develop social skills, self-esteem and confidence. There are also opportunities to experience activities in school and in the wider community, that will identify and nurture their talents.  

Our curriculum is highly personalised and extends far beyond our academic pathways, helping them to become confident, resilient individuals.

PHSE, Equality and RE

The PSHE curriculum provides planned opportunities to learn about 6 core themes. The topics addressed in each Key stage build on complexity of learning and age-appropriateness. Early years provides the foundation for learning about who you are, how you fit in the world and how relationships work.  This develops through the key stages and culminates into functional qualifications including; ASDAN PP, DoE, as well as a common understanding of ‘skills for life’. There are further PSHE.pngopportunities embedded into the curriculum areas, for pupils to experience, practice and extend acquired skills in real life settings/ subject specific trips e.g., Museum and gallery trips, navigating routes and visiting local habitats.

The curriculum enables the pupils to recognise healthy lifestyle choices and the RSE aspect specifically introduces pupils to the ideas of ‘healthy relationships’ (for more information, please see the 'RSE Policy' in the 'Policies' section). The school actively supports pupils and their families to extend the range of their diet.

Staff promote equality of opportunity and diversity well, with pupils developing an understanding and an appreciation of, and respect for, difference in the world and celebrating commonalities across cultural, religious, ethnic and socio-economic communities. We celebrate many different cultures’ festivals e.g. whole school parties for Eid, Christmas and the Chinese New Year. Assemblies are themed half termly, being linked to key events to develop pupils’ social awareness and how to manage feelings to promote emotional literacy.

Our RE curriculum is based on the Manchester agreed syllabus. This is enquiry based and promotes understanding of the commonalities between different religious groups.

Pupil Voice 

Pupils are actively encouraged to make their own choices, knowing that they are in a safe and supportive environment. A total communication approach and guidance within our ‘good communication guide’ ensure all pupils are given the pupil voice documents.pngcommunication support they need and opportunities to communicate their wants, needs and opinions. One Page profiles sum up this and other relevant information so all staff and visitors can have a clear picture of each individual pupil. Communication Support Plans (CSPs) give an overview of how best to support individual pupils' behaviour needs and assit them during a crisis (for more information, please see our 'Behaviour and Safeguarding' page). Work in PSHE lessons also encourage pupils to build strategies to express their likes, dislikes and feelings in school.

Photographs and examples of learning are shared with parents through the Evidence for Learning app and successes celebrated at Annual Reviews. Where possible, pupils are also given opportunities to attend and contribute to Annual Reviews by sharing their thoughts and evaluating and comment on their own progress. 

British Values

The effectiveness of the school’s work to prepare pupils for life in modern Britain and to understand British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, tolerance and respect is excellent. The school also holds a UNICEF Rights Respecting Schools Award which improves the lives of children in the UK by taking a whole school approach to putting children’s rights at the heart of school policy and practice. Children and young people are empowered to make informed decisions and to grow into confident, active, global, responsible citizens (for more information, please see our 'Rights Respecting Schools' page).

Pupils can readily explain how they keep themselves safe, especially online, knowing how to not give out any personal information including names, school, addresses or ages.

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