Parent/Carer Involvement
Parents/Carers are encouraged to work in partnership with school on all aspects of their child’s education and care. We hold a Parents/Carers evening in Autumn Term 1 and Spring term 2 where you discuss with class staff the focus of your child’s Personal Skills targets and the progress you child has made (for details, please see Parents' Evening page). An annual report will be provided in the summer term that describes all the progress you child has made across the year.

Further opportunities for communication happen through:
- Home/school diaries; an invaluable way for both school and home to write about what the pupil is doing
- Newsletters- whole school and class newsletters
- Review meetings
- Social media accounts- 'X' @LancasterianS, Facebook Page and Instagram account

We now also have a weekly parent group that is led by parents and supported by our Pastoral Lead (Hanna Brown) and Parental Engagement Lead (Emma Morris). This is a great opportunities for parents to get together and support each other. This group will also provides regular opportunities for parents to gain more information on topics important to them, e.g. Sleep, E-safety, Supports, Transport, Speach and Language, reading at home. These are run by inhouse experts and external agencies (for more details, please see 'Parent Group' page).
Parents / carers are welcome to phone school at any time. Our admin team are always able to find out how your child is doing and telephone you back. If parents / carers need to speak to classroom staff or the head teacher, it would be helpful to make an appointment to ensure that they are available.
Parents/Carers visiting during the day for appointments or meetings should first report to the main school Reception where you will be signed in and given a visitor badge. Similarly, on leaving school, you should first sign out at the main
Annual Reviews
It is a legal requirement to review the Education, Health and Care plan once per year. At Lancasterian we value the contribution that parents can make to the education of their child and will make every effort to time the review meeting
so that you can attend. A parent booklet will be sent out to you to support you in communicating your views both at the meeting and to the local authority.

Wherever possible pupils are encouraged to attend their review either for part or the full meeting. All pupils are supported by the class team to complete their own pupil voice booklet using the most appropriate communication method.
As pupils get older the review provides a useful opportunity to plan for the future. We work closely with the Manchester Social Care. We commission careers advice for pupils and parents to support the planning of future placements post Lancasterian (for more information, please see the 'Transition and Destinations' page within our 'Careers' pages).