Maple 2024 - 2025
Mrs Kotroczo
Miss Hoffman
Welcome to Maple Class!
We are a KS3 class aged from Year 7 to Year 9.
We follow the National curriculum for our core and foundation subjects alongside engaging in enrichment modules which focus on life skills, eco and gardening, Art and community work
Home School Diary
We will communicate via your child’s home school diary, please read it and send it in with your child daily. We use this as our first point of communication. If your query requires a longer discussion I will aim to ring you the same day, or arrange a face to face meeting with you.
PE - Wednesday: Girls can wear leggings/tracksuit bottoms and t shirt
Boys can wear tracksuit bottoms/shorts and t shirt
Please can you make sure you take all letters out of your child’s bag, then we know you have read them. Can all letters that need to be signed be done promptly as this makes it quicker and easier to manage our trips and keep up to date with any relevant information.
Evidence for Learning: EFL
Parents can view some of the work and activities their children have been doing in school. This is via our online platform Evidence for Learning. Please get in touch if you need login details.
Snacks - school provide fruit and a drink (milk, water or juice) each day, but you are more than welcome to send your child in a healthy snack and drink for them if you choose.
Our topics this term are: English - Myths and Legends
Maths - Division and multiplication
Humanities - Industrilization of Manchester
Science - How we hear
P.E - Botcha and team games
During our enrichment session on a Friday morning we will be going to Wythenshawe Wheelers at Wythenshawe Park. Could all students come in adequate clothing for the cold winter mornings.
Trips this term - Science and Industry Museum
Bridgewater Hall
Styal Mill
Thank you for you patients and continued support,
** If you click on the globe in the top right corner- you can change the language of the website**